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As the current landscape of our environment changes, we see buildings getting taller and larger, more cars on the road, increased health precautions, as well as, risking the of depletion of our most precious natural resources. The critical part in taking action against the growing effects of energy use is to have popluations globally aware of the developing concern for our current and future existence.

Leading to the awareness of questions concerning how we will be able to meet the basic needs of people today without depleting the resources and environments of future generations to come? Is this not a relevant topic of discussion for people around the world? (Sustainable Development). Since the method in which we consume resources leads us to 25% of the population of the world consuming 75% of its natural resources annually, this is not as relevant of a topic as it should be. In addition, as a direct result of burning massive amounts of carbon products like coal and oil, this has led to an increase in global warming or global climate change. This effect causes a drastic increase of droughts. Resulting in the deserts creeping closer to settlements impacting the ability of the rural poor to survive. This effects a range of people from all countries and a greater awareness needs to be developed to emphasize how our actions effect the Earth now and in the future.

Unless we take action to use more bio-efficient practices for receiving energy, water, and resources to preserve the natural state of Earth’s ecosystem, the supply of resources for mankind will slowly but surely fade away.


About The.Revolution

An Energy Awareness Campaign

A greater stride will be taken in the years to come, as the development of new energy practices and awareness programs are created. Organizations need programs that capture the attention of the masses, especially the youth. Sharing with the younger generations, we help to implement new habits and forms of living. Starting with an energy awareness program, it can demonstrate the cause and effect of our waste and energy usage while enlightening generations with newer practices that will help them be the change we seek moving forward. First by creating an intent to touch the essence of hearts and logic of minds. Then, acknowledging that our actions do create change that will have a large scale impact on Earth and its resources.

The purpose of “The. Revolution” energy awareness web-based campaign acknowledges our actions and the need for change around the world. If everyone was more aware of how our life will be affected in the years to come, they may become more prompt to take a more energy conscious form of action. There is always a cause and effect. Many people are aware of the increased popularity of ethanol, but the use of farm land to create ethanol from soybeans and corn is not the most efficient way. The new focus on these crops are taking away from the growth of other leading crops such as wheat and grain. Resulting in the increase in prices for most crops. Furthermore, the shift in climate change has created droughts effecting the farmers available production of these crops. Knowledge needs to be spread on the most efficient energy practices.

How will we survive moving forward with the increase use of land, rise in food prices, and effects of climate change resulting in droughts and production of less food and bio-fuel energy? It will ultimately lead to another cycle of abuse and depletion. We have to think smart. We have to think efficiently; using resources that benefit mankind while preserving and nurturing ecosystem we live in.

The. Revolution: First, it takes awareness. Then, it takes action.

“The growth of the bio-energy industry can also be achieved by laying more stress on green power marketing,” Salman Zafar. 

The. Revolution can be the marketing power that green energy needs!

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